Diab expands buoyancy services through SCS acquisition_Overseas information_news_China composite information network

Diab expands buoyancy services through SCS acquisition

   Date:2024-12-24     Source:CompositesWorld     Hits:112     Comment:0    
Core tips:Global composite subsea buoyancy services are strengthened and broadened with Subsea Composite Solutions’ expertise.

Source | Diab

Sandwich composite solutions provider Diab Group (Laholm, Sweden) is acquiring 100% of Subsea Composite Solutions AS (SCS, Arendel, Norway), effective Jan. 1, 2025. Together, Diab as a buoyancy foam producer, and SCS as a full-service provider of ready-machined and painted buoyancy solutions down to very deep water, will cover the buoyancy needs from the surface to the bottom of the ocean. This will open new markets and customer segments.

“Diab Group is continuing to grow and expand its offering. SCS is a competent and experienced company within their field of expertise. We are happy to have them within the group, complementing our offerings and enabling sustainable growth in the subsea segment,” says Johan Arvidsson, CEO of Diab Group.

According to Vidar Grindheim, CEO of SCS, “We understand the potential in what we do and want to invest in scaling our business even further. With Diab, we can expand our footprint further locally, but there is even more of a benefit from the larger international potential for our business out of Storsandvik/Norway.”

SCS’ experience spans a diverse range of applications — from surface level to depths of 10,000 meters subsea.


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