Manufacturers direct selling fiberglass products release agent, free samples_default classification_sell_China composite information network

Manufacturers direct selling fiberglass products release agent, free samples

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price: Face to face
the date of issuance: From the date of payment by the buyer within days,deliver goods
area_pos: 默认地区
todate: Long term effectiveness
Last update: 2020-10-08 09:14
Hits: 1650
Company Information
Detailed description
Kw-918 is suitable for hand paste process of carbon fiber and glass fiber composite materials, glass fiber reinforced plastic process, vacuum tank hot pressing. And large new energy auto parts, wind power generation production process.
Ii. Features:
1. Kw-918 can form ultra-thin tough protective film with the mold surface, such as teflon, to form demultifying effect.
2. Kw-918 is a solvent release agent, which is easy to process and can be separated from the mold for many times.
3. Reduce resin residue and enhance mold life.
4, heat resistance up to 450℃, suitable for any FRP products.
5, no transfer, easy to paint, electroplating, etc.
Iii. Usage:
1, the new mold or the old mold should be cleaned with appropriate solvent (such as mold water), be sure to clean the surface stains, oil stains, etc., after cleaning the mold surface is still wet with a clean cloth wipe.
2. Apply kw-918 to the mold after wetting with clean gauze
3. After coating, evenly cover the surface with dry cloth before the kw-918 is dry.
4, use this product, must repeat 4-5 times, each time interval of about 10-20 minutes, if the mold is large area, after each coating can be continuous coating, after the next coating must use a dry cloth to rub the mold bright, and let it stand for an hour after use.
5. When used for the first time, it may be difficult to coat the rubber coat. This is because the demoulding effect is too good.
6. If demoulding is difficult, apply kw-918 for 1-2 times, so as to save cost and ensure
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