EPA selects ACMA, IACMI for $6 million embodied GHG emissions grant_Overseas information_news_China composite information network

EPA selects ACMA, IACMI for $6 million embodied GHG emissions grant

   Date:2024-07-18     Source:CompositesWorld     Hits:110     Comment:0    
Core tips:Project supports initiative to reduce construction sector emissions, including developing comprehensive EPDs and PCRs for composite materials and preparing composites manufacturers on their use.
 The American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA, Arlington, Va., U.S.) and the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI, Knoxville, Tenn., U.S.) have announced a joint selection as recipients of the Reducing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Construction Materials and Products grant, under EPA-R-OCSPP-OPPT-FY2023-001. This $6 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the construction sector.
ESG blocks.

Source | Getty ImagesIn this strategic partnership, ACMA and IACMI will deploy an industry-funded life cycle assessment-environmental product declaration (LCA-EPD) generator and develop environmental product declarations (EPDs) for composite construction materials and products. The project will encompass the development of new product category rules (PCRs) and the modification of existing PCRs as needed. Additionally, the initiative will educate more than 200 composites manufacturers and their customers on the use of EPDs and collaborate with universities to develop gate-to-grave data for inclusion in EPDs. 

“The work funded by this grant and managed in partnership with IACMI will not only address a critical need in the construction industry but also demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship,” says ACMA President and CEO Cindy L. Squires, Esq. “By developing comprehensive EPDs for composite materials, we can ensure that manufacturers and builders have the tools they need to make informed, sustainable choices.”

She adds that the grant will leverage an already significant investment by ACMA and its Composite Growth Initiative to prepare manufacturers to provide the environmental impact information needed by their customers.


“This project represents a significant step forward in harmonizing technological advancements with environmental responsibility in the composites industry,” Chad Duty, CEO of IACMI, adds. “By working together with ACMA, we aim to pave the way for a more sustainable future in construction and infrastructure, reducing the embodied GHG emissions and promoting the adoption of composites.”

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