Syensqo, Orbex to enhance space launch system development_Overseas information_news_China composite information network

Syensqo, Orbex to enhance space launch system development

   Date:2024-07-30     Source:CompositesWorld     Hits:122     Comment:0    
Core tips:The partnership will drive advancements in performance, durability and reuse of orbital space launch systems integrated with Syensqo’s adhesive, composite and specialty polymer materials.
 Syensqo (Alpharetta, Ga., U.S.) a global provider of advanced materials, and Orbex (Scotland, U.K.), a private space launch services company, signed a strategic collaboration agreement to enhance the development and deployment of next-generation aerospace technologies. The companies will collaborate on the integration of Syensqo’s adhesive, composite and specialty polymer materials into Orbex’s launch vehicles to advance its orbital launch systems’ performance, durability and sustainability.

Orbex launch vehicle.

Source | Syensqo

“At Orbex, we want our suppliers to align with our company values of having a strong focus on quality and sustainability,” says Phil Chambers, CEO of Orbex. “Our partnership with Syensqo will enable us to develop one of the most advanced, low-carbon, high-performance micro-launch vehicles in the world, offering the small satellite industry flexible, dedicated launches, directly from the U.K.”

Through close technical collaboration involving support from Syensqo’s Heanor Application Center and extensive test lab capability, this partnership will focus on furthering the adoption of advanced materials into challenging applications, with a focus on weight reduction, thermal resistance and enhanced structural integrity.

Syensqo has a rich legacy as a supplier of high performance materials for space and launch systems that deliver reliable performance while withstanding harsh conditions. Its involvement in the space industry spans many decades.

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