ACMA announces public review for reaffirmation of ACMA/FGMC-Grating Manual_Overseas information_news_China composite information network

ACMA announces public review for reaffirmation of ACMA/FGMC-Grating Manual

   Date:2025-01-17     Source:CompositesWorld     Hits:106     Comment:0    
Core tips:The composites industry has until Feb. 10, 2025, to submit comments to the FRP grating manual, which details a consensus performance standard for fiberglass grating.
 The American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA, Arlington, Va., U.S.) has announced an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) public review period for the reaffirmation of the ACMA/FGMC-Grating Manual-2017.

Published in ANSI’s Standards Actionthe 45-day public review period started on Dec. 27, 2024, with a comment deadline of Feb. 10, 2025. This manual is the publication of a consensus performance standard for fiberglass grating and to delineate the standardized testing procedures to be used to assure compliance of fiberglass grating products. The manual is intended to address applications where fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) gratings are specified for horizontal walkway surfaces to support pedestrian loads and non-motorized wheeled traffic. It also provides an overview of fiberglass grating and provides users with load tables, tolerances and ordering information to assist engineers and designers with selection of fiberglass grating.

“The current version of the grating manual is serving the composites industry well,” says Bill Budgell, VP of global corporate and product development fibergrate structures. “The manual assists specifiers in the preparation of contract documents associated with fiberglass grating and includes a Code of Standard Practice to introduce the reader to the recommended standard practice for how FRP grating manufacturers are guided in making quality products.” Budgell serves as the chair of the standard’s Relevant Committee.


FRP grating and stair treads are manufactured from engineered polymers, a reinforcement and, in some cases an added slip-resistant surface. Gratings are further enhanced by the addition of other additives specific to the end-use performance. Through the selection and use of key engineered materials a FRP grating manufacturer can use the Grating Manual to tailor the end product to meet the stringent demands of the load performance, the application environment and durability requirements.


ACMA welcomes comments on the ACMA/FGMC-Grating Manual-2017 to any interested party. The public review comment deadline is on Monday, Feb. 10, 2025. If wanting to submit a comment, please submit them here. You may also send an email to ANSI at

For additional information or for questions, email

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